How Do I Meet People?

You are on your way just by being on this page!  There is a whole list of opportunities listed below.  At New Life we believe in the biblical principle of "sowing and reaping".  The Bible says that when you sow abundantly that you will reap abundantly and when you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly we have seen that truth in reality through the years.  The idea that church is supposed to be very private, personal, and an individual pursuit - is a partial truth but it falls short of the reality that God Himself calls the church a body with Christ as the "head".  The rest of the body is "joined together for a common purpose".  (See I Corinthians 12:12-31)  We are praying for those who are called to be part of this body at New Life - you may well be one.  Oh yeah - by the way, we don't believe that sowing and reaping is JUST about giving money or the tithe.  We believe it is true about every aspect of faith - what we receive is in direct proportion to what we have invested!  Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Below are a few different ways that you can learn, serve, grow, and connect at New Life. p.s. We don't have a bunch of "Hoops" for you to jump through - just some reasonable boundaries that help the church to operate in order.  (Ephesians 4:11-16)


There is nothing like "face time" to get to know more about someone.  For knowledge to increase there must be communication.  Mark 3:13-14 says that Jesus " went up on the mountain and summoned those whom He Himself wanted, and they came to Him. 14 And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him... There is no substitute for being together or for presence.  Jesus was born for presence, we were created to walk with God; God interacted with people in the Old Testament, He sent messengers, angels, and prophets to tell people His will, His ways, His truth. Our goal at New Life Fellowship is to help you to experience God and to enjoy the benefits of His family - the church!  Jesus summed up the ten commandments in this way - Love God, Love One Another.  When we engage one another through church we fulfill this command which is from the Heart of God.  Every activity we have is rooted in our desire to help us engage God and one another. Engageto absorb, engross, interest, involve, or commit.

Family Fun-Night

Movies on our 8'x 10' projection screens, Board Games, Ping-pong, Sharing a meal with each other, Horseshoes, Volleyball and Bonfires are a few of the ways we enjoy spending time together.  Family Fun-Night gives people the opportunity to make new friends, it helps our kids to connect with each other, and it provides everyone with "something to do".  See the calendar to find out when the next Family Night is scheduled.

Children's Ministry

Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own "church." Bible lessons are interactive and relevant to their age group.  They are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the teachers are carefully screened and thoroughly trained in working with children.  The children's ministry of New Life Fellowship believes that interaction is part of the key to learning and it makes church fun and educational.  Parents receive a recap of the lesson for the day so they can discuss it with their family.  If you are energetic, have a passion for kids, and want to impart values and principles from the Bible - New Life Kid's is for you!

ReGen Youth Group (ages 12-18)Be The Change 2011-2012

Teens from the local area gather for a time of laughter, learning and fellowship. On Thursday evenings, they meet to discover more about God's amazing love and how to have a real, growing relationship with Jesus Christ!  With events throughout the year, various ways to participate and contribute to the youth group, outreach opportunities, and weekly gatherings - our youth group is all about BEING the change that we hope to see in our schools, homes, and communities!  Check out the Calendar for upcoming events and Bible studies!
Thursday's at 6:30 - meet at Pastor's House
3849 Central Ave. in Shadyside...look for the big sign that says "ReGen Youth meets here".

Women’s Ministry

We celebrate the value of a woman at New Life!  You are incredible!  God has given women special gifts and abilities.  You are capable of standing on your own, or you complement a man.  Like Pastor Joel says:  "Behind every good man is a better woman."  Women are great "Multi-taskers".  Let us encourage you to explore various opportunities to benefit from the wisdom and insight of women who have been where you are, or who are in the same place; there is strength in numbers!  Women meet for lunch, personal sharing, scrap-booking, and topical Bible studies.  Also, join our Facebook group for women's ministry,  W-H-A-M (Women, Health, And, Ministry).  Check out the Calendar for current details or call to see where WHAM is meeting next.

Men’s Ministry

Real Men are not stripped of their masculinity at New Life! We celebrate our strengths and work on our weak areas.  "A man is who we are and what we are becoming."  You can be yourself at New Life - our faith is not for woosies, sissies, pansies, or wimps... Discover what being a man is really all about - join us for breakfasts, steak cookouts, shooting guns, golf, bowling, workdays, hunting, picnics, and even racing.  Check out the Calendar for current details.
Every Man's Battle
In a society obsessed with sexuality (ie: Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows, Swimsuit Editions, pornographic music, and racy sex scenes in shows and movies, and multiple TV series based solely on sexual indulgence that glorify and promote sex outside of marriage), fidelity and purity among men is a tremendous struggle.  Left on our own, we're almost destined to fail or give in to temptation.  Embracing the reality of our culture, we've been committed to teaching and supporting the men at New Life to honor God through recognizing and overcoming the lure of sexual temptation by the power of the Holy Spirit and through accountability. Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Accountability is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages.  As a part of "Every Man's Battle", men are able to find understanding, wise, and non-judgmental accountability partners that will challenge and encourage them to make good choices and celebrate their victories. Accountability partners meet together as their schedules allow and keep in touch by email or phone.

Married Couples

Even though marriage is one of the most important institutions, it is the one which is under the most attack. New Life Fellowship gives married couples the opportunity to join our marriage classes covering topics such as: Marriage & Money, Communication and Intimacy, Parenting Skills, and Conflict Resolution.

Prime Time (40's & 50's)For People In Their 40's & 50's

For those of you who despise the title "Middle-Aged" you'll find a perfect fit at New Life!  We believe that the 40's and 50's are when you're in the prime of life! (Old enough to "know better" and still young enough to run with the big dogs).  Prime Timers have cook-outs and bible studies, excursions and expeditions, and simple hang-out time to enjoy life and family.  Keep an eye on the Calendar for upcoming events and opportunities to join the party!

Silver Lining (60+)

Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begun. Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the over-60 group at New Life provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction. A mentoring ministry gives older believers a chance to meet with and help younger believers grow in Christ.