Our Mission & Vision

We are committed to loving God and others in every area of our lives.  We will share our faith in Christ and help each other to grow and to stay strong in the Truth.  We believe every believer should be empowered and equipped to pursue God’s purposes for their life and this church.  We believe that our church as a whole, and the people individually, will be strong, united, and mature if we are faithful to live like this.  Of course, this is only possible if we live in complete surrender to the Holy Spirit: in private, in public, at home, at work, on vacation, in the car, and in our services. A more “churchy” way of phrasing our mission and vision might look like this:

We believe a great commitment to the “Great Commandment” (Mt 22:36-40) and the “Great Commission” (Mt 28:19-20) will grow a church with a great condition (Eph 4:11-16)!



Our Pastor


Joel Traylor, Senior Pastor

Senior Pastor Pastor Joel is open, down-to-earth, and a compassionate "shepherd" that truly wants to see hearts mended, addictions broken, wounds healed, and lives transformed.  One of the best things about our Pastor is his absolute transparency and integrity of character.  Pastor Joel has a passion for people. His greatest desire is to help others to know Jesus, enjoy their life in Him, and live so as to honor God in every part of life.  Pastor Joel loves the Bible and is committed to helping people see how relevant the Bible is to life in the 21st Century.  He is a graduate of Elim Bible Institute in Lima, New York and has served at New Life Fellowship since 2000. He and his wife, Arlene, have two grown children and seven grandchildren.  

What we believe

Please download our full doctrinal statement.